Supporting Strong Markets

Strong Forest Markets

With so much of the South’s forestland in private ownership, we rely on current, new and emerging forest markets to maintain forest profitability, so that landowners can afford to keep their working forests intact and growing. Through its policy work, SGSF strives to make sure the importance of strong and diverse markets is recognized as a key to southern forest sustainability.

Removing Market Barriers

State forestry agencies work directly with forest owners, helping them navigate access to available forest product markets while also managing for sustainability. This can include participation in certification programs. However, entry barriers to forest certification programs can be cumbersome and expensive for landowners. With consumers increasingly demanding more “green” labeling, this could unintentionally shut out smaller southern landowners who may not have access to certain certification programs. SGSF supports equal recognition of all certification programs due to the benefit each delivers for southern forest sustainability.

Supporting New and Emerging Markets

SGSF advocates for the development of new and emerging markets, such as mass timber construction, biomass, carbon credits and products sustainably sourced from southern tree species.