National Invasive Species Awareness Week
National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) takes place annually during the last week of February.
The spread of forest pests, diseases and invasive species persistently threatens the health and survival of southern forests. Forest insects account for 20% of the total negative growth impact on forest trees, while diseases account for 45%.
Monitoring, suppression and education are important tools for preventing and managing these pests.
Fact Sheets
Bradford/Callery Pear
Learn MoreCallery or Bradford pear was introduced to the United States in 1909, and its uniform shape, profuse white
flowers, and bright red fall foliage made the Callery pear a much-planted ornamental throughout the southeast.
Japanese Honeysuckle
Learn MoreJapanese Honeysuckle was introduced into the United States in 1806 as an ornamental for shrub borders, groupings and mass plantings. It is a rapid grower that can quickly out-compete native species for light, space and nutrients.
Learn MorePrivet is widely disseminated by many birds and other wildlife species that consume the fruit. Privet is difficult to control as it spreads aggressively
through bird/animal seed dissemination and aggressively colonizes through root and stem sprouts/suckers.
Tree of Heaven
Learn MoreTree of Heaven, commonly known by its scientific name, Ailanthus, and also known as silk tree, is a large, rapidly growing, weak-wooded, deciduous tree that is native to the region spanning from China to Australia.
Invasive AlterNATIVES
Learn MoreSo you got rid of your invasive plants! What do you replace them with? Here are some native alternatives that will keep your yard beautiful and the planet healthy!
Learn and share information about invasive species present in the U.S. South.
NISAW Social Media Posts
This week is National Invasive Species Awareness Week. Join us in raising awareness about invasive species, the threat they pose and what can be done to prevent their spread. Today we’re putting the spotlight on the callery pear.
#NISAW #InvasiveSpecies #ForestHealth
This week is National Invasive Species Awareness Week. Join us in raising awareness about invasive species, the threat they pose & what can be done to prevent their spread. Today we’re putting the spotlight on Japanese honeysuckle.
#NISAW #InvasiveSpecies #ForestHealth
This week is National Invasive Species Awareness Week. Join us in raising awareness about invasive species, the threat they pose and what can be done to prevent their spread. Today we’re putting the spotlight on privet.
#NISAW #InvasiveSpecies #ForestHealth
This week is National Invasive Species Awareness Week. Join us in raising awareness about invasive species, the threat they pose and what can be done to prevent their spread. Today we’re putting the spotlight on tree of heaven.
#NISAW #InvasiveSpecies #ForestHealth
Today we are wrapping up National Invasive Species Awareness Week. If you got rid of your invasive plants, what do you replace them with? Here are some native alternatives that will keep your yard beautiful and the planet healthy!
#NISAW #InvasiveSpecies #ForestHealth