Urban Forest Strike Teams

Urban Forest Strike Teams

Increasing public safety and retaining viable urban tree canopy

The Urban Forest Strike Team (UFST) program was created to provide systematic mobilization, deployment, organization and management of state forestry agency personnel and arboriculturist resources.

UFSTs are comprised of International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists from state forestry agencies that come to the aid of a region or community whose urban forest has been impacted by a natural disaster. Urban Forest Strike Teams provide tree damage and risk assessments as well as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) public assistance information to communities.

By working with the USDA Forest Service, state forestry agencies, local emergency management and communities, the Urban Forest Strike Teams help assess, document and provide recommendations to help mitigate the effects of disasters to a community’s tree canopy throughout the South and nation.

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Urban Forest Strike Teams

Tree Damage Assessment

Restoring an urban forest following a natural disaster is a critical part of the disaster recovery process, and should be heavily considered in any disaster recovery planning.

Urban Forest Strike Team tree assessments help municipalities provide information for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) public assistance application for debris removal.

For consistency and standardization, strike teams evaluate tree damage based on FEMA guidance on debris removal and arboricultural risk standards. State forestry agencies have numerous resources available to assist communities in creating preparedness plans for unexpected damage to their urban forests.

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Urban Forest Strike Teams

Urban Forest Strike Team Training

The Community Forestry Academy

The Community Forestry Academy, developed by southern state forestry agencies in partnership with the USDA Forest Service, provides a variety of unique online courses to help communities improve storm readiness, response and recovery for urban and community trees. Offering storm planning and readiness courses for community leaders, as well as Urban Forest Strike Team courses for tree professionals, the Community Forestry Academy seeks to provide a full range of resources to ensure community forests remain healthy and thriving for years to come.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does an Urban Forest Strike Team do?

Who can request assistance? How does a community request assistance? When does a community request assistance?

How are strike teams funded? Is there a cost to the community?

Who are the members of a strike team? What training, experience or credentials do strike team members have?

How do strike teams conduct tree damage assessments?

How is the information gathered by the strike teams used by FEMA or used to determine removal, pruning or tree replacement?